Real Estate Industry

Sale of Residential Properties Under Construction: A Buyer’s Perspective [P202S1110]


CEA Course Code: P202S1110

CEA CPD Credits: 2 credits awarded (Professional Competencies)

Note: CPD records will be updated with CEA within 2-3 weeks upon completion of course.

(CEA - Council for Estate Agencies)

Course Synopsis:

While purchasing a new residential property is an exciting venture, it is also filled with risks that require careful consideration of the entire process.

In this course, you will:

- Understand the risks of purchasing an uncompleted residential development under construction

- Understand the criteria to be eligible for mortgage

- Understand the procedures of buying a newly launched condominium

Course Duration: 2.5

  • Sale of Residential Properties Under Construction: A Buyer's Perspective
  • Assessment
  • Feedback Survey
Completion rules
  • The course duration needs to be completed in order to gain the CPD hours.
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year